Really? no, REALLY?
Every Tuesday best friends Jason Alexander and Peter Tilden are joined by experts, newsmakers, politicians and celebrities in an attempt to find answers to the things that make us go… “ Really? no, Really?” We invite you to join us, subscribe and even suggest topics, as we search for the true answers to life’s most baffling, intriguing, confusing and annoying questions.
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They Refuse To Make Bathroom Stalls That Go All The Way To The Floor And We Had To Find Out Why! Really? no, Really?
09/07/22 | 30 min
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has fumed about why the stall doors on public restrooms don’t go down to the floor. It’s humiliating. Award winning bathroom designer Chad Kaufman helps us understand why. We discuss smells, sounds, traffic and etiquette. Plus we reveal the first toilet ever to appear on public television. Really. No, really.
One Reason A Racist Skinhead And Founding Member Of The Largest White Power Organization In The World Left The Movement…Seinfeld! Really, No Really!
09/14/22 | 30 min
Former white supremacist Arno Michaelis walks us through his years in the white supremacy movement revealing the rules, secrets, and his tortured journey from hate to humanity. Plus, he reveals what he believes is the greatest tool in confronting this growing threat.
Microchips Run Everything From Cars And Appliances To Pacemakers, Smart Toothbrushes, Even Sex Toys…And We’re Running Out! Really, No Really!
9/21/2021 | 30 min
A true tech visionary, Steve Blank explains the reason, just how dire the situation has become and who’s really in control. We also discuss the future of social media and the ever-growing effect it has on the decisions we make and how it increasingly infiltrates our daily lives!
All Episodes
As Written By Peter Tilden
Jason Alexander was born in Newark, New Jersey and was a shy, introverted and uncomfortably overweight child. He did not love school, anything even remotely athletic or trips with his mother to buy pants at the Husky shop so he decided to focus on something that gave him joy, magic! He dedicated his every waking moment to the study of magic and aspired to be a professional, close-up magician.
As Written By Jason Alexander
Let’s be honest, you probably never heard of this guy. Which is why he has second billing to Jason Alexander. But Peter has more than likely been a part of your life for a long time. He began his creative life as the owner of a boutique ad agency Philadelphia where he won many awards. But it was Philly, so no one really cared. He left advertising and Philly to move to Los Angeles with dreams of becoming a media mogul.
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